Robust, Reliable, Innovative Quality
Heating and cooling your environment shouldn’t be complicated. Keep it simple with ECOER’s turnkey approach to cost-efficient energy. To get started, we have provided some answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) from homeowners. Don’t see your answer in our FAQ? Give us a call, we’re always happy to help.
What makes Ecoer a High Efficient System?
Ecoer uses an inverter compressor with 40 stages, compared to 1 or 2 stage equipment most common in the market. With 40 stages, the system will run more efficiently while having the ability to use 25-110% capacity of the compressor. This allows the system to startup and shutoff slowly, and it will run on average between 25-45% of capacity most of the time. This is in comparison to 1 or 2 stage systems that run at 50% or 100% capacity all the time. This slow startup and shutoff along with running at a lower capacity is what saves you on your monthly energy bill.
How Efficient is an Ecoer System?
Ecoer AC and Heat Pumps are rated a 17-20 SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating), 9.5-10 HSPF (Heating Season Performance Factor) and 11-13 EER (Energy Efficiency Rating). The base required base ratings by the DOE (Department of Energy) is 13 SEER, 8.2 HSPF, and 10 EER. Ecoer is one of the most efficient systems on the market because of the use of the 40 stage compressor running at 25-45% capacity the majority of the time it is on.
How much could I save on my energy with an Ecoer System?
Compared to an older 10-13 seer 1-stage system, a new Ecoer system could save you as much as 35-50% on your monthly energy bills.
Why is it recommended that the Ecoer system have a Surge Protector put on at the time of install?
Unlike the 1 or 2-stage equipment on the market, which uses older technology, an Ecoer variable speed inverter compressor with 40 stages uses a PC Board much like your computer. These highly-technical boards are sensitive and susceptible to voltage spikes like brownouts, power outages, and lightning strikes. Just as your smart TV and computers use surge protectors inside your home, the Ecoer system needs that same protection outside on the outdoor unit. The surge protector will protect the PC Board from any damage that may be caused by a voltage spike, brownout, power outage, and lightning strike. The warranty could be voided if a surge protector is not installed on an Ecoer system and a voltage spike event occurs.